Taste Of Power ‎- Questions Insane / Dance The Night Away

Uniquement remix et morceaux hors LP

Funky admins : funkiness, Wonder B, silverfox


Taste Of Power ‎- Questions Insane / Dance The Night Away

Message par sisi95 »

Taste Of Power ‎- Questions Insane / Dance The Night Away (Top Records U 84116) 7”


Dance The Night Away


Re: Taste Of Power ‎- Questions Insane / Dance The Night Away

Message par funkinspector »

sisi, je confirme
Une grosse bombe funky :yeahhh:

Re: Taste Of Power ‎- Questions Insane / Dance The Night Away

Message par echoflange »

Do you think you could send me an mp3, or re-upload the song again? I can't listen to it anymore so It would be a huge favor.

Pensez-vous que vous pourriez m'envoyer un mp3, ou d'après la chanson de nouveau ? Je ne peux pas l'écouter plus, alors ce serait une immense faveur.
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Wonder B

Re: Taste Of Power ‎- Questions Insane / Dance The Night Away

Message par Wonder B »

I've only been able to spot a soundclip (not the whole thing) on this page (check the bottom of the page...°

https://www.cdandlp.com/taste-of-power/ ... 115875220/
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Re: Taste Of Power ‎- Questions Insane / Dance The Night Away

Message par echoflange »

Wonder B a écrit : 10 mai 2019 07:58 I've only been able to spot a soundclip (not the whole thing) on this page (check the bottom of the page...°

https://www.cdandlp.com/taste-of-power/ ... 115875220/
Dude, thank you SO much! I finally get to hear the song I wanted to for months ever since discovered it on random chance. :happyboy: :cool: :mrgreen:
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Wonder B

Re: Taste Of Power ‎- Questions Insane / Dance The Night Away

Message par Wonder B »

My pleasure echoflange!!!
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