The Shider Family Band - Keep You Burning / (Mini Disco)

Uniquement remix et morceaux hors LP

Funky admins : funkiness, Wonder B, silverfox


The Shider Family Band - Keep You Burning / (Mini Disco)

Message par sisi95 »

The Shider Family Band - Keep You Burning / (Mini Disco) (Headed Up ‎125-BS, 1983)


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Wonder B

Re: The Shider Family Band - Keep You Burning

Message par Wonder B »

Question stupide... Il ne s'agit pas de la Famille Shider qui suit Clinton depuis des années? (Garry "Doo Wop Diaper Man" de Parliament Funkadelic (et ses frères), Linda (sa femme), Garrett (son fils lui aussi membre de P-Funk All Stars)
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Re: The Shider Family Band - Keep You Burning

Message par silverfox »

Peut-être ?

Parce que selon le BMI, cette Shider Family serait composée de :
Bruce, Kevin, Nate K. et Tommie A. Shider de Plainfield, New Jersey.
or, on trouve autour de George Clinton, un Kevin et un Nate Shider.

Homonymes ?
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Wonder B

Re: The Shider Family Band - Keep You Burning

Message par Wonder B »

Oui çà commence à faire beaucoup de points concordants... Surtout qu'une majorité des membres de P-Funk viennent de Plainfield NJ!!
Ça devient de plus en plus intéressant!
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Re: The Shider Family Band - Keep You Burning

Message par silverfox »

C'est ce que confirme ce site : ... ou-burning

Backatcha Records a écrit :First ever official reissue of Shider Family Band’s rare and in demand boogie favourite ’Keep You Burning’. Hailing from Plainfield, New Jersey and the brothers of late Parliament-Funkadelic guitarist Garry Shider, the Shider brothers recorded and originally released this single in 1983 selling it at hometown shows and local stores.

As youngsters, the brothers were regular customers at George Clinton’s Silk Road Barbershop and had become well known for their music craft early-on, backing and singing for many gospel legends of the day. By the early-70’s, Garry had formed United Soul and soon joined Parliament-Funkadelic full-time. Kevin and Bruce formed The Illusions and from that the Shider Family Band was born.

Produced by keys player Bruce Shider, ‘Keep You Burning’ has been a staple want for DJ’s and music-heads across the soul spectrum, becoming the classic record that was unobtainable until now. Guitarist Kevin 'K-Star' Shider who sings on lead tells it: “We laid the track with me and Nate on guitar, Tim on bass and Nate did the drums too with Bruce tightening it up and producing the thing and getting it out there”.
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Wonder B

Re: The Shider Family Band - Keep You Burning

Message par Wonder B »

Bon ben voilà... Notre archiviste maison silverfox a encore une fois fait le 'homework'! :lol: :lol:
Bravo pour avoir déniché les infos et ainsi confirmé ces soupçons!
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Re: The Shider Family Band - Keep You Burning

Message par sisi95 »

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Re: The Shider Family Band - Keep You Burning

Message par Adriok »

Improbable! Le morceau est plutôt cool, en plus.
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Site Admin

Re: The Shider Family Band - Keep You Burning / (Mini Disco)

Message par funkiness »

Je connaissais ce morceau, que je dois avoir sur une compile.
funkiness brings you funk and happiness
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