Breakwater - S/T

Boogie, Modern Soul, Disco Boogie, Disco Funk, Disco Soul…

Funky admins : funkiness, Wonder B, silverfox

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good vibes


Message par good vibes »

Allez ! Ma contrariété des frais de douanes est passée ;) Reste désormais le plaisir de la découverte des 2 albums de Breakwater, les réed CD de Get On Down sont superbes :cool: Le son est parfaitement remasterisé le tout dans une belle édition CD vinyl replica proche des CD japonais...

Ma préférence bien sûr au deuxième opus de Breakwater et son célèbre "Release The Beast" sampler par nos frenchy de Daft Punk ( là il faut avouer ils ont bon goût ).
J'espère que les membres originaux de Breakwater ont toucheé le pactole de droits d 'auteur :P

Release The Beast

Robot Rock - Daft Punk


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Wonder B

Re: Breakwater - Breakwater

Message par Wonder B »

Oyez oyez bonnes gens... Breakwater vient de se reformer et donne déjà des concerts aux US.
Il paraît que çà dépote sévère selon plusieurs sources...
Voici l'avis publié aujourd'hui par le manager de Blowfly à propos du concert du week-end dernier...

"Arista Records released two Breakwater LPs, 1978's Breakwater and the 1980 funk masterpiece Splashdown. The latter featured several hot tracks that were worn out by Miami's infamous Ghetto Style DJs crew in the '80s, most notably "Release The Beast" which Daft Punk sampled and made into their 2005 dance floor smash "Robot Rock."

I rolled up to Warmdaddy's parking lot via cab at 7:35 p.m. last Friday, for the first of the act's four sold-out shows. "Oh man!" my buddy Pete exclaimed. "We better hurry, they're playing 'Release The Beast!'" We hustled into Warmdaddy's cramped bar section where we found South Florida ex-pat Larry Raichelson, who manages the band. Larry exchanged a few words with the club manager that got us right in front of center stage at the best table in the house.

We looked up and saw that we were not the only ones who were cramped. All 11 members of Breakwater, who rock a four-piece horn section, were jammed into a narrow landing strip stage that was built for five musicians. Somehow, through feng shui and Vaseline, they managed to fit everyone up there in three rows tight enough to make a human centipede.

Arista Records released two Breakwater LPs, 1978's Breakwater and the 1980 funk masterpiece Splashdown. The latter featured several hot tracks that were worn out by Miami's infamous Ghetto Style DJs crew in the '80s, most notably "Release The Beast" which Daft Punk sampled and made into their 2005 dance floor smash "Robot Rock."

I rolled up to Warmdaddy's parking lot via cab at 7:35 p.m. last Friday, for the first of the act's four sold-out shows. "Oh man!" my buddy Pete exclaimed. "We better hurry, they're playing 'Release The Beast!'" We hustled into Warmdaddy's cramped bar section where we found South Florida ex-pat Larry Raichelson, who manages the band. Larry exchanged a few words with the club manager that got us right in front of center stage at the best table in the house.

We looked up and saw that we were not the only ones who were cramped. All 11 members of Breakwater, who rock a four-piece horn section, were jammed into a narrow landing strip stage that was built for five musicians. Somehow, through feng shui and Vaseline, they managed to fit everyone up there in three rows tight enough to make a human centipede."

En complément il nous donne une vidéo... OK c'est pas de la HD au niveau du son mais çà donne un bel aperçu de la pêche de leur set actuel!!!! "Say You Love Me Girl"

Splashdown Times! (oh punaise comment çà dépote!) :happyboy: :drunk: :old:

En prime une rare vidéo de Breakwater dans leur prime jeunesse...

No Limit
Sworn to fun
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Re: Breakwater - Breakwater

Message par kata »

Ils avaient l'air déjà bien en forme l'année dernière.

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Re: Breakwater - S/T

Message par funkiness »

Bien joué kata !
Vidéo de super qualité en plus !

Oui Wonder B, le "Splashdown" déménage !
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Re: Breakwater - S/T

Message par funkiness »

No Limit !

funkiness brings you funk and happiness
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Re: Breakwater - S/T

Message par funkiness »

'Splashdown Time" Là ça rigole plus !

funkiness brings you funk and happiness
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Re: Breakwater - S/T

Message par christian »

Mortel !! Ça fait chaud au cœur de voir un tel groupe se reformer et tourner aujourd’hui !!

On voit l'affiche au début d'une Vidéo, et y'avait aussi Change ?!! Vache ça devait être un concert terrible, déjà les Breakwater c'est extra, mais avec Change !! :yeahhh:

Merci pour la Super New et les vidéos ;)
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Re: Breakwater - S/T

Message par olympic_runners »

:idea: :idea: :idea: :idea:
C'est clair, 2 groupes ENORMES (si t'a pas au moins 1 de leurs disques, t'a rien compris à cette musique).
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